Born and raised in Stanley, NC, Olivia’s journey into the veterinary world has sparked by the arrival of a special English Bulldog named Butterz. Overwhelmed by his complex medical needs, Olivia started on a quest for knowledge, diving headfirst into the realm of veterinary medicine. Through caring for Butterz, she discovered her passion and dedication to the welfare of animals, setting her on a path she was destined to tread.
With almost a decade in the veterinary field, she’s honed her skills across various realms, from English Bulldog rescue to general practice and urgent medicine. Additionally, her stint in veterinary pharmaceutical sales added another layer to her expertise.
Outside the walls of UrgentVet Belmont, Olivia enjoys the simple pleasures of life. Bonding with her 2.5-year-old, she discovers new joys and adventures daily. Their shared love for packing picnics and embarking on day trips fuels Olivia’s zest for life.
At home, Olivia’s world revolves around not only her 2.5-year-old, but also her beloved canine companions: Deliah, a spirited Pitty Mix, and Lucy – charming American Bulldog. As a Gaston County native, Olivia brings a deep-rooted connection to her community, fostering trust and camaraderie among patients and their families.
As the Practice Manager at UrgentVet Belmont, Olivia leads a team that treat non-life-threatening emergencies in cats and dogs. She provides compassionate care and fosters a supportive environment resonating with every patient and client who crosses their path.