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Peyton Lease

Peyton Lease, with roots in both Illinois and Georgia, discovered her lifelong passion for the veterinary field from an early age. The desire to help furry companions in need has always been an integral part of Peyton’s identity, igniting a deep-seated commitment to the well-being of animals.

Her journey in the veterinary field began as a shelter volunteer, where Peyton realized her innate ability to make a difference in the lives of every furbaby. Progressing from a client service representative in an Emergency Room clinic to becoming an ER Nurse, Peyton thrived in the midst of chaos, finding fulfillment in providing critical care.

Having accumulated over 5 years of invaluable experience, Peyton expanded her horizons as a traveling tech before finding her home at UrgentVet. The welcoming atmosphere and dedication to compassionate care at UrgentVet resonated deeply with Peyton, solidifying her commitment to the clinic.

Outside of her professional pursuits, Peyton enjoys the freedom of the open road on her motorcycle and cherishes moments playing with her two lovely puppies, Seika (German Shepherd) and Indigo (a mix). Her home is shared with four adorable cats – Fester and Varvatos (bottle babies), Booze (one-eyed kiddo), and Dink (former feral turned beloved companion).

As Peyton eagerly approaches marriage with her fiancé, she extends gratitude to UrgentVet for the opportunity to contribute to the well-being of countless furbabies. Her heartfelt message resonates with the dedication and care she brings to her role, ensuring that every pet she encounters receives the attention and compassion they deserve.

Peyton leads the team at UrgentVet Lakewood Ranch where they treat minor injuries and illnesses in cats and dogs.