From Sprains to Strains: A Pet Owner’s Guide to Limping

Beagle dog licking his sore leg

Limping is a common problem in pets, although they often try to hide the severity of their discomfort. Learning how to identify and record lameness in your four-legged friend can help us determine the cause, allowing for effective treatment. Our UrgentVet team highlights common limping causes in pets and explains how to record your pet’s… Continue reading From Sprains to Strains: A Pet Owner’s Guide to Limping

Uh-Oh, Lepto: Leptospirosis in Dogs

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As a devoted dog owner, you strive to keep your pet safe and healthy. However, some threats are invisible to the naked eye and hide in the places you’d least expect, such as the ground your pet walks on or a seemingly harmless puddle. Leptospirosis, a potentially deadly bacterial infection, is one such threat. Protect… Continue reading Uh-Oh, Lepto: Leptospirosis in Dogs

Top 7 Most Dangerous Items Pets Eat

Little dog and food toxic to him

Pets are innately curious and opportunistic, meaning they’ll steal, chew, and ingest whatever they can get their muzzles on. While mischievous pets can be adorable and funny, their behavior can have dangerous—sometimes life-threatening—consequences if they consume a hazardous or toxic item. To help you understand this serious risk, the UrgentVet team has compiled an unofficial… Continue reading Top 7 Most Dangerous Items Pets Eat

Ear Infections in Dogs

Ear Infections in Dogs Otitis Externa (1)

Ear infections in dogs, medically referred to as otitis externa, are a common health issue that can cause significant discomfort and pain for our canine friends. These infections involve the external part of the ear canal and can range from mild to severe. Recognizing the signs and understanding the causes, types, and treatments is crucial… Continue reading Ear Infections in Dogs

Categorized as Dog Care

Ear Infections in Cats

Ear Infections in Cats (1)

Ear infections in cats, although less common than in dogs, can cause significant discomfort and potential health complications for our feline friends. Understanding the basics of feline ear infections, from their causes to treatments, is essential for every cat owner. This detailed guide will give you the knowledge needed to identify, manage, and prevent ear… Continue reading Ear Infections in Cats

Categorized as Cat Care

Allergies in Dogs: Types, Signs, Causes and Treatment

Allergies in Dogs

Allergies in dogs are more common than you might think – and understanding the signs can help you make sure that your furry friend is enjoying a comfortable, allergy-free life. We’ve put together an in-depth guide that covers everything from common allergens to treatment options, so you can have all the information you need to… Continue reading Allergies in Dogs: Types, Signs, Causes and Treatment

10 Warning Signs of Pain in Your Pet


Although you may be remarkably in tune with your furry friend and seem to understand their every thought and feeling, you may find that picking up on their cues that they are in pain is not easy. Pets instinctively hide signs of discomfort or pain, so your pet may be suffering for far longer or… Continue reading 10 Warning Signs of Pain in Your Pet

Hot Spots on Dogs: Causes, Treatments and Prevention

hot spots on dogs (1)

Hot spots are a common and often painful condition in dogs, causing distress not only to the pets but also to their owners. Understanding what hot spots are, their causes, symptoms, and treatments, is crucial for every responsible pet owner. This guide delves into the important topic of hot spots on dogs, offering insights into… Continue reading Hot Spots on Dogs: Causes, Treatments and Prevention

Categorized as Dog Care

Is Your Cat Sick? Recognizing the Signs of Illness in Cats

Signs of Illness in Cats

Cats can be masters of disguise, especially when it comes to hiding signs of illness. As a cat owner, it’s crucial to know the subtle signs that indicate your feline friend might not be feeling well. This guide will help you understand how to tell if your cat is sick, recognize sick cat symptoms, and… Continue reading Is Your Cat Sick? Recognizing the Signs of Illness in Cats

Categorized as Cat Care

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) in Cats

Urinary Tract Infections UTIs in Cats (2)

As a loving cat owner, it’s likely that you are always attuned to the health and well-being of your feline companion. In many cases, there are small signs that can indicate that your cat is dealing with an illness or infection. And if you’re able to recognize these signs, you can take quick action to… Continue reading Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) in Cats

Categorized as Cat Care