What Dog Owners Should Know About Parvovirus

Closeup shot of a cute border terrier dog

Canine parvovirus (i.e., parvo) is a serious infection that spreads alarmingly through susceptible populations, especially young and unvaccinated dogs. Brief exposure, such as being in the wrong place at the wrong time, can cause your dog to quickly develop a life-threatening condition. Despite effective vaccines, parvo remains a common cause of death in young dogs,… Continue reading What Dog Owners Should Know About Parvovirus

Is That a Worm in My Pet’s Feces?

worms in dogs poop

Parasites are everywhere, and your pet can pick them up from other pets and wildlife. Most pet owners understand they need to have their pets periodically dewormed. However, they often aren’t sure why deworming matters, how worms look, where their pet contracted worms, or worms’ potential impact on their four-legged friends’ health. Let’s take a… Continue reading Is That a Worm in My Pet’s Feces?

Trick, Treat, or Trouble? Halloween Safety for Pets

Halloween and Pets

Halloween is a holiday for tricks, treats, and potentially, trouble. Learn how to protect your pet from common Halloween hazards—and a trip to UrgentVet—by reviewing the following sinister scenarios and their potential outcomes—the close call (i.e., trick), the safe choice (i.e., treat), and trouble (i.e., a pet emergency). Scenario #1: Your pet is frightened by… Continue reading Trick, Treat, or Trouble? Halloween Safety for Pets

Categorized as Holidays

My Dog Broke Its Dewclaw

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What to “Dew” if Your Dog Breaks a Dewclaw One minute your dog is running and playing and the next, they’re holding up a blood-tinged paw. Your heart leaps into your throat. What happened? If your dog is like many others, they may have broken or torn their dewclaw. If your dog exhibits this visibly… Continue reading My Dog Broke Its Dewclaw

Categorized as Dog Care

What is Giardia?

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Something in the Water: Giardia and Pets Giardia is a microscopic single-celled parasite that can cause tremendous trouble in your pet’s intestinal tract. All mammals, including humans, dogs, and cats, can contract and transmit this parasitic infection. By learning about this common parasite and how it’s spread, you can help protect your pet from Giardia’s… Continue reading What is Giardia?

Categorized as Diarrhea

Blissful Kitty: Catnip Safety and Recommended Feline Use

catnip safety

Catnip is known for its psychogenic and stimulant effects on domestic cats, but is this herb safe for your feline friend? Take a closer look—and sniff—at catnip by reading our UrgentVet team’s guide. What is catnip and why are cats attracted to its smell and taste? Catnip (i.e., Nepeta cataria) is a wild perennial herb… Continue reading Blissful Kitty: Catnip Safety and Recommended Feline Use

Categorized as Cat Care

Is it OK to Let My Cat Outside at Night?

Your cat knows what they want and they’ll do anything to convince you that they know what’s best. Unfortunately, if this includes staying outside at night, they are putting themselves at risk to numerous hazards, many of which are life-threatening. Your cat may consider sauntering through the great outdoors as being the ultimate feline adventure.… Continue reading Is it OK to Let My Cat Outside at Night?

Categorized as Cat Care

They’re Not Like This at Home! 5 Reasons Why Your Pet is Scared at the Vet

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Do you get nervous going to the doctor? Do you ever get nauseous riding in the car? Just like us, our furry friends can experience the same emotions! If your pet becomes a nervous wreck when they go to the veterinary hospital, they’re not alone—pet owners commonly avoid seeking regular wellness care because of their… Continue reading They’re Not Like This at Home! 5 Reasons Why Your Pet is Scared at the Vet

Categorized as Behavior

French Bulldog Summer Safety

French Bully Summer

Are you part of the French [bulldog] Revolution? This bat-eared breed has captivated American hearts and soared to the top of the American Kennel Club’s 2022 registration list, ending the Labrador retriever’s 31-year reign as America’s most popular dog. However, these wrinkled wonders should come with a warning label. The French bulldog’s unique features put… Continue reading French Bulldog Summer Safety

Summer Fun 101: Pet Safety Tips

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Summer is an exciting and busy time for many pet owners and their pets. But, as the mercury rises and schedules fill up with outdoor events and adventures, pet safety risks also increase. Ensure your summer memories are spent under the sun—not in the veterinary hospital or your nearest UrgentVet—by incorporating these summertime safety tips… Continue reading Summer Fun 101: Pet Safety Tips