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Sharon Carroll

Sharon Carroll’s journey into the veterinary field was a long time coming. Growing up on a Quarter Horse ranch in San Diego, California, her childhood dream of becoming a veterinarian never faded. Despite life’s detours, she finally found her calling in her late twenties.

Her most cherished memory involves her first adult dog, a stray from a Texas shelter, who reshaped her life and career trajectory. Sharon’s academic pursuits took her across the country, studying Business Management and Administration while living in various states.

Outside of her at work at UrgentVet, Sharon enjoys outdoor adventures and curling up with a good mystery novel. At home, she shares her life with her partner, George the Malinois/Lab mix, and Nitto the black cat.

With six years of experience spanning in General Practice, Emergency Care, Specialty, Grooming/Boarding, and now Urgent Care, Sharon brings a wealth of expertise and a deep passion for animals to her role.

Sharon leads a team that treats minor injuries and illnesses in cats and dogs in the North Raleigh area.