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Jashua Ayala

Jashua grew up in San Fernando Valley in Southern California. Surprisingly, as a child, he was terrified of dogs and cats. However, his perspective changed as he grew older. Volunteering at animal shelters as a teenager opened his eyes to the needs of animals, and he realized his calling to be their voice. Right after high school, he pursued his passion by enrolling in vet tech school.

One of Jashua’s fondest memories is of his childhood budgie, who loved to perch on his shoulder and dance to any music playing. This early bond with an animal solidified his love for them.

Jashua earned his associate degree in animal science from Carrington College in Pomona, CA. Over the past 12 years, he has accumulated a wealth of experience in general practice, emergency, and specialty veterinary fields, including a non-profit spay and neuter clinic.

Outside of UrgentVet, Jashua enjoys cooking for his family, hiking, bird watching, and mountain biking around Red Rock. He is also working on starting flyball and agility training with his dog. Jashua lives with his wife, their Border Collie named Jedi, and two budgies named Tamalito and Nopalito. He loves hearing about the funny quirks of pets and enjoys watching videos of them.

Jashua leads the team at UrgentVet Las Vegas West that treats non-life-threatening emergencies in cats and dogs of the Las Vegas area.