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Fighting Back Against Pesky Pet Allergies

Pet allergies are the worst, right?! Airborne pollens, molds, dust particles, etc. are inhaled and soon the sneezing and sniffling begin. The team at UrgentVet knows all about allergies and we know how awful your pet can feel when the itching and redness starts. Today, we have tips to help you stop pet allergies in their tracks.

For us humans, a quick Benadryl or allergy medicine can give us instant relief. Our pets have to deal with much worse – itchy skin, ear infections, red eyes, and the inability to tell us what hurts.

There are many reasons for pets to itch: parasites, allergy to flea bites, food allergy, secondary infection and the list goes on, though if your pet seems to be extra itchy during times when the seasons are changing, they probably have an allergy.


In dogs, pet allergies usually produce a seasonal itchiness. Some dogs just have bad luck and suffer from year round pet allergies, however, this can be managed with proper care, medication, and diet.

Typical irritation pattern

Allergies are associated with irritation in certain parts of the body. In  dogs these areas are:

  • Around the eyes
  • Ear infection
  • “Armpits”
  • Abdomen
  • Area around anus
  • Legs

In cats, the irritation pattern is not as characteristic. There are four common manifestations of atopy:

  • Excessive non-leisurely licking or grooming
  • Eosinophilic granuloma complex(tumor-like bumps)
  • Miliary dermatitis (small seed-like scabs)
  • Excessive face and ear itching

Blood tests, steroids, or even a skin test can help in diagnosing and treating your animal so that they are comfortable in day-to-day activities, but true diagnosis of allergies can be indeterminable most of the time.

Tips for helping your animal feel comfortable during allergy season:

  • Medicated shampoos can help during weekly bathing
  • Wash your bedding (your pet’s too!)
  • Implement an air filter system
  • Keeping the pet away from freshly mowed grass
  • Steer clear of houseplants in your home

If you think your pet may be suffering from pet allergies and needs medical attention, seek veterinary help. If the allergies are causing immediate issues, please bring your pet in so we can help with relief. You can call our office and ask questions or schedule an appointment for one of our vets to take a closer look at your pet. As always, we’re here to help!